Crunchy Kale Crisps
Even spinach cannot come close in comparison to the number of nutrients that kale provides. It’s full of vitamins A, C and K as well as minerals like copper, potassium, iron, manganese, and phosphorus and is a very good source of protein. One cup of cooked kale has over 1100% more vitamin C than a cup of cooked spinach and as much absorbable calcium as 2⁄3 cup of milk.
You can use raw kale in salads, sautè with other vegetables or add it to soups. Or we make delicious kale chips. It’s a firm favourite in our home – especially with the kids which is a great way to sneak in ultra-healthy greens. Trick is to make them crispy without burning edges. You should remove any thick stalks from the kale too. They will shrink slightly in the oven.
Then simply add extra virgin olive oil and your favourite topping! In the past I used parmesan shavings but now I sprinkle on either some Himalayan salt, cumin, curry powder, chilli powder, roasted red pepper flakes or garlic powder!
2 large handfuls of raw kale
1 tbsp olive oil
1 tsp toppings - Himalayan salt, cumin, garlic powder, red pepper etc.
Preheat the oven and line an oven try.
Remove large stalks from the base of leaf.
Wash and dry the kale and place on a lined oven tray.
Add the olive oil and rub lightly so it's evenly covered.
Sprinkle on your topping(s) of choice.
Back in 150 degrees (300 Fahrenheit) for 10 mins, then turn over the kale, continue for another 10-15 mins until firms up.
Wait 5 mins (difficult part) to cool before eating as it becomes extra crispy.